Published Title
2008-04-14 Louis Gave - 亞洲股債重現投資價值 (Ming Pao) [1.68 MB ]
2008-04-12 Charles Gave - Une crise en poupee russe (Le Journal des Finances) [1.06 MB ]
2008-04-10 Anatole Kaletsky - Crisis? Disaster? Catastrophe? Choose your word (The Times) [107 KB ]
2008-04-07 Louis Gave - 棄債從股是時候了 (Ming Pao) [1.55 MB ]
2008-04-03 Anatole Kaletsky - Encircled! Why Russia is right to feel paranoid (The Times) [254 KB ]
2008-03-31 Gavekal's four great 'momentum trades' - and what next (Financial Times)
2008-03-26 Charles Gave - Interview with Korea Economy magazine [1.61 MB ]
2008-03-25 Louis Gave - 市場走勢開始聽命聯儲局 (Ming Pao) [1.97 MB ]
2008-03-24 Charles Gave - Interview with Weekly Chosun magazine [1.82 MB ]
2008-03-17 Louis Gave - 70年代通脹式衰退或重現 (Ming Pao) [1.67 MB ]
2008-03-12 Anatole on Darling's budget
2008-03-10 Louis Gave - 金融機構遭逼倉 引發拋售潮 (Ming Pao) [1.64 MB ]
2008-03-06 Anatole Kaletsky - 5 reasons why they must go with Hillary (The Times) [144 KB ]
2008-03-03 Louis Gave - 商品價飈升與奧運有關 (Ming Pao) [1.76 MB ]
2008-03-01 Charles Gave - Strategies d'investissement (Le Journal des Finances) [1.05 MB ]
2008-02-27 Flight to liquidity pushes eurozone bond yields apart (Financial Times) [26 KB ]
2008-02-25 Anatole Kaletsky - Bear Market? This is the lastest buying opportunity (The Times) [408 KB ]
2008-02-25 Louis Gave - 難說今次是最嚴峻的危機 (Ming Pao) [1.85 MB ]
2008-02-18 Louis Gave - B計劃成效未知 衰退風險仍在 (Ming Pao) [3.22 MB ]
2008-02-16 Charles Gave - Penser l'impensable (Journal Des Finances) [588 KB ]
2008-02-04 Louis Gave - 美出動有形之手 適得其時 (Ming Pao) [1.33 MB ]
2008-01-28 Louis Gave - 信貸減少不是世界末日 (Ming Pao) [3.05 MB ]
2008-01-21 Louis Gave - 亞洲市底勝歐美 (Ming Pao) [1.33 MB ]
2008-01-14 Louis Gave - 商品價格 難長期高位徘徊 (Ming Pao) [1.34 MB ]
2008-01-07 Louis Gave - 三大籃子 尋理想投資 (Ming Pao) [2.79 MB ]
2007-12-22 Charles Gave - 2008, une année qui s'annonce difficile... (Journal Des Finances) [1.05 MB ]
2007-12-17 Louis Gave - 連串措施 宏調加碼前奏 (Ming Pao) [2.86 MB ]
2007-12-10 Louis Gave - 我們應否買黃金 (Ming Pao) [2.75 MB ]
2007-12-03 Louis Gave - 歐元區內 意國風險高 (Ming Pao) [1.35 MB ]
2007-12-01 Charles Gave - La faiblesse du dollar dope l'économie US (Journal Des Finances) [1.81 MB ]
2007-11-27 GaveKal - 港股有改善A股存隱憂 (Apple Daily) [922 KB ]
2007-11-26 Charles Gave - A Comeback for the Greenback (Barron's) [305 KB ]
2007-11-26 Louis Gave - 亞洲股市將率先反彈 (Ming Pao) [2.41 MB ]
2007-11-19 Louis Gave - 內地大搞機建或有助控制通脹 (Ming Pao) [1.46 MB ]
2007-11-16 Charles Gave - Les banques américaines dans la tourmente (Journal Des Finances) [1.15 MB ]
2007-11-12 Louis Gave - 跌市下須留意市場反應 (Ming Pao) [2.82 MB ]
2007-11-05 Louis Gave - 質疑格老的A股泡沫爆破論 (Ming Pao) [1.27 MB ]
2007-10-29 Louis Gave - 美元危機不會出現 (Ming Pao) [1.10 MB ]
2007-10-15 Louis Gave - 南韓股市升勢將持續 (Ming Pao) [1024 KB ]
2007-10-13 Charles Gave - Réflexions sur les hausses boursières (Journal Des Finances) [1.80 MB ]
2007-10-08 Louis Gave - 中國的金融困局大利港股 (Ming Pao) [1.27 MB ]
2007-10-01 Anatole Kaletsky - The Resource Curse (The Liberal) [124 KB ]
2007-09-24 Louis Gave - 亞洲仍是投資股票好地方 (Ming Pao) [1.43 MB ]
2007-09-22 Charles Gave - Banquiers centraux et pêche à la dynamite (Journal Des Finances) [664 KB ]
2007-04-24 Louis Gave - Ein Optimist Fürs Schuldenmachen (Luxemburger Wort) [559 KB ]
2007-01-22 Louis Gave - 內地樓市上升周期剛開始 (Ming Pao) [446 KB ]
2007-01-01 Anatole Kaletsky - The Years of Reckoning (The Liberal) [101 KB ]
2006-12-25 GaveKal in Barron's [1.57 MB ]