Published Title
2010-01-11 Pierre Gave - 股市仍向好 避中港房產股 (Ming Pao) [1.74 MB ]
2010-01-07 Anatole Kaletsky – It’s not the economy – and voters aren’t stupid (The Times)
2010-01-04 Pierre Gave - 美國經濟復蘇可超預期 「七成GDP來自消費」說法不正確 (Ming Pao) [2.03 MB ]
2010-01-02 Charlas Gave - 2010 marquera la fin de l'argent gratuit [1.16 MB ]
2009-12-21 Pierre Gave - 人民幣短期或急升 高通脹勢重臨 中央三對策之一 (Ming Pao) [1.75 MB ]
2009-12-19 Charles Gave - Tragedie grecque (Le Journal des Finances) [1.14 MB ]
2009-12-18 GaveKal - 2010: 賭 Price 定賭 Volume? (Hong Kong Economic Journal) [1.57 MB ]
2009-12-18 Pierre Gave - Strong Outlook for US Corporates (CNBC, Video)
2009-12-17 GaveKal - 中東‧油價‧美元 (Hong Kong Economic Journal) [1.23 MB ]
2009-12-14 Pierre Gave - 中東危機 觸發強美元低油價 (Ming Pao) [1.66 MB ]
2009-12-11 Anatole Kaletsky – We need bankers more than they need us (The Times)
2009-12-10 Anatole Kaletsky – Pre-Budget Report: oh no, Darling! You've failed (The Times)
2009-12-07 Pierre Gave - 港習慣擁抱資產泡沫 高價賣地 補貼社會開支 (Ming Pao) [1.78 MB ]
2009-12-05 Charles Gave - Le Pere Noel existe (Le Journal des Finances) [1.06 MB ]
2009-12-04 Anatole Kaletsky – Big bank bonuses make failure more likely (The Times)
2009-11-30 Pierre Gave - 中美關係進入新階段 合作與日俱增 角色對等 (Ming Pao) [1.73 MB ]
2009-11-23 Pierre Gave - 汽車銷售狂升背後真象 (Ming Pao) [1.65 MB ]
2009-11-21 Charles Gave - Monnaie papier, cigales et fourmis (Le Journal des Finances) [1.16 MB ]
2009-11-16 Pierre Gave - 人幣倘升值 股市暴升 (Ming Pao) [1.67 MB ]
2009-11-11 Pierre Gave - 結構性牛市正開始 調整造就入市良機 (Ming Pao) [1.90 MB ]
2009-11-10 Pierre Gave - Impact of the Recession on Corporates (CNBC, Video)
2009-11-07 Charles Gave - Un pheneomene tout a fait extraordinaire (Le Journal des Finances) [1.17 MB ]
2009-11-02 Pierre Gave - 股市下挫的潛在原因 (Ming Pao) [1.50 MB ]
2009-11-02 Pierre Gave - Weak Data Not Trouble for Market (CNBC, Video)
2009-10-28 Anatole Kaletsky – Three cheers for the death of old economics (The Times)
2009-10-27 Pierre Gave - 中國經濟三大隱憂 高速增長背後 (Ming Pao) [1.65 MB ]
2009-10-24 Charles Gave - Malaise (Le Journal des Finances) [1.03 MB ]
2009-10-21 Pierre Gave - Value in Techs (CNBC, Video)
2009-10-19 Pierre Gave - 今次升市非99年翻版 股市走勢看中國資金供應 (Ming Pao) [1.51 MB ]
2009-10-12 Pierre Gave - 美國復蘇趨勢仍樂觀 (Ming Pao) [1.62 MB ]
2009-10-12 Pierre Gave - Bullish on China (CNBC, Video)
2009-10-10 Charles Gave - Ras le bol de la crise! (Le Journal des Finances) [1.06 MB ]
2009-10-05 Pierre Gave - 憂美延遲消費言之過早 (Ming Pao) [1.70 MB ]
2009-09-28 Pierre Gave - 亞洲難逃資產泡沫命運 掛鉤美元 貨幣政策受制 (Ming Pao) [1.84 MB ]
2009-09-26 Charles Gave - L'attrait de la beaute suedoise (Le Journal des Finances) [1.15 MB ]
2009-09-24 Anatole Kaletsky – The economy will recover – but Labour won’t (The Times)
2009-09-21 Pierre Gave - 強勢股短線未轉勢 作好風險對沖準備 (Ming Pao) [1.50 MB ]
2009-09-18 Anatole Kaletsky – 9/15 is another date we should never forget (The Times)
2009-09-18 GaveKal - Plaidoyer en faveur du liberalisme designe comme bouc emissaire (Vendredi) [473 KB ]
2009-09-14 Pierre Gave - 美元不至大幅下跌 美經濟回春 各國央行力撐 (Ming Pao) [1.79 MB ]
2009-09-10 GaveKal - Nous Avons Lu ...Liberal mais non coupable (Valeurs actuelles) [320 KB ]
2009-09-10 Anatole Kaletsky – Hasty action on public spending would jeopardise economic recovery (The Times)
2009-09-08 GaveKal - Pourquoi il faut lire Charles Gave (Le Figaro) [389 KB ]
2009-09-07 Pierre Gave - 增持優質中資股現良機 金融改革帶來長穩牛市 (Ming Pao) [1.56 MB ]
2009-09-07 Pierre Gave - Stocks Set to Push Higher (CNBC, Video)
2009-09-05 GaveKal - Liberal mais non coupable (Le Journal des Finances) [1.12 MB ]
2009-09-03 Anatole Kaletsky – Shrink the City and you'll pay a heavy price (The Times)
2009-08-31 Pierre Gave - 日本民主黨執政的機遇 (Ming Pao) [1.77 MB ]
2009-08-29 Charles Gave - L'horrible mois de septembre (Le Journal des Finances) [1.09 MB ]
2009-08-27 Anatole Kaletsky - It's over - but all is changed, utterly changed (The Times)